How can we help you?


Private Mortgages

At Faraday West, we understand why many self-employed Australians struggle to acquire loans.
Using a common sense approach we believe in keeping the process simple.

Give us a call  – we look forward to hearing your story !

Faraday West can provide private funding options on first or second mortgages. These loans are granted for business
or investment use only (other than investment residential property) and are an easy option for clients
with a strong equity position who require funding for the above.

• Loan amount $50,000 to $50 million
• Residential or commercial security required
• Interest only
• Terms from 1 to 3 years
• Fixed interest rates
• Defaults, judgements and arrears are considered
• Unregulated (NON-CODE) – business or investment use only (other than investment residential property)
• Quick application turnaround. Letter of offer within 48 hours
• Competitive interest rates





How can we help you?
